Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seattle Youth Aim for the Outdoors - Seattle Boat Show 2012

Future anglers
The rainbow trout may have been laminated, but you wouldn't have known it from the look on the faces of the future anglers that visited us at the Seattle Boat Show!  This type of enthusiasm was commonplace at the 65th Annual Seattle Boat Show, where Fisheries Division staff provided a fun casting activity station for the attending youth. Participants, ranging from 4 years of age through “kid at heart” adults, learned the basics of casting, tested their casting skills, and even took part in some playful accuracy competitions. The goal of the activity was to provide a relevant and fun activity that would inspire future natural resource recreationalists.

Judging from the sheer volume of smiles, it’s safe to say we accomplished this goal. Over 600 youth participated in the casting activities over the 10 days of the show (January 27 - February 5).  Five staff members and one high school volunteer provided casting lessons, supervision, and distributed prizes to all participants--both young and old.  We hope that these future angling enthusiasts will take their new-found skills to a local river or lake. With future natural resource recreationalists comes future advocates!

For more information about the Seattle Boat Show, visit


Friday, February 3, 2012

A Regional View of the USFWS Fisheries Program

This week, our Regional office launched a website (Link 1) containing highlights of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Fisheries Program in the Pacific Region for 2011.

We are one of several USFWS Fisheries offices  located in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and the Pacific Islands.  Each office works with tribal, state, and other federal partners to promote conservation of aquatic trust species and the habitats required to sustain them for future generations of Americans.

Several of our western Washington aquatic species conservation projects and youth outreach programs are highlighted in the report (Link 2). We are pleased to share the report and website with you in an effort to raise awareness of aquatic trust species conservation needs and efforts in our region. 

Link 1:  Region 1 website